Our Master Musicians

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Creating Art Through Music

Tamara Sanader

Marko Markovic

Petra Hrzenjak

Marko Markovic

               Marko Markovic

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Marko Markovic was born in Serbia where he started his music education at age of 6. He  has completed Bachelor and Master studies at the "Faculty of Arts" in Nis, Serbia as one of the most successful students of his generation.

 During his career in Serbia, he participated in numerous charity organizations and concerts all over the Europe, he has won numerous historical and cultural awards, composed, conducted, and made numerous arrangements for different types of vocal and instrumental ensembles.

Tamara Sanader

Tamara Sanader

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Born in Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Tamara Sanader began to learn piano at five. After finishing high school she enrolled in the Music Academy in East Sarajevo, where she obtained her Bachelor degree in Music Performance with Prof. Zoran Jančić.

During the entire music school, she had recorded results on numerous musical competitions, both in solo performance also in chamber music (Bosnia, Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Austria).

Petra Hrzenjak

                 Petra Hezenjak

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Petra was born in Djakovo, Croatia, where she started her music education. She is a holder of a Master degree in piano. Before finishing her studies, Petra worked in several music schools in Croatia, where she gained her pedagogical skills. Apart from her formal education, she has participated in numerous master-classes held by well-known professors and artists, such as Eduard Kunz, Grygory Gruzman, etc., as well as in competitions in different music disciplines, such as solo piano, solfeggio (music theory), choir accompanist, singer in several choirs, etc.

As a teacher, Petra is open-minded towards new methods of teaching. She motivates her students to listen to different music genres as she believes it helps them widen their knowledge and improve their music abilities. She even helps her students to write their own melodies and to try to express themselves through music. Some of her students participated in examinations and competitions where they achieved great results and won numerous prizes.

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